Wednesday, January 9, 2019

     It's been more than a two years since I've written for the public.  A conversation with my son a number of nights ago went something like this:

Me:  "I am pleased that some of the dreams I've aspired to, my kids have lived out, like writing.... you write and are read by many people.  You are more published than I've ever been."

Son:  "Yeah, like a few million more."

Happy Birthday. Maybe it's time to start writing again.

     I left the international life in 2016 to return to the US.  It hasn't been easy and I cannot say it has been fun.  I HATED repatriation into the New World Order that the US became in Nov. of the same year.  What had I done?  Sure I was near family and on familiar ground... sort of ... but the country I left was not the country I returned to.  I won't get political in this post, but I will say I have shed a few tears over what this nation has become.

     I was near my sister and my mother.  I had a cute little house, bought a convertible- fulfilling a lifelong desire, and had re-connected with a couple of old high school friends.  That part was good.

However.... I did not like my job.  It was a poor fit and I was not good at what I was tasked to do, which drove me round the bend.  I am ALWAYS good at my work.  This place was an exception.  That part was bad.  What to do?  I was teaching at the middle school level.  I had six periods of 7th graders taking a mandated class with me called Leadership.  Within the first month it was clear to me that I was not going to "Capture" these kids hearts.  They were mean, profane, streetwise beyond their years, broken by family, and above all else... they were highly collaborative.  Usually in a classroom that's a great thing, but these kids had one mission and that was to drive me off.  My worst periods were of course 1st and 7th.  My first period class worked diligently to make me cry.  I joked with the 7th period class that I was going to buy us all t-shirts that read "I survived 7th period"  They loved that idea. 

     I think there were about 7 times when I almost walked out of that school.  Fortunately I have an ingrained positive work ethic, and I willed myself to stay.  By the end of the year, it's true, I had come to love many of them, and even developed some "fans".  I don't know that I changed many lives.... maybe, maybe not, but we all survived and I got out alive.  I had known however by April that I was NOT going to put myself though that another year.

     I FIRMLY believe it's extremely important to LOVE your work.  There is NO point to staying somewhere you aren't happy.  I was not happy.   I cast about looking for a position that would FIT my talents and desires... my sweet spot. I applied everywhere in my home town, but found the school district to be quite closed off.  You had to know someone who knew someone.  That wasn't me.  I cast a bit further... knowing I wanted to return to educational administration.  I had a passion for leading in that capacity and had spent the better part of the last 4 years overseas completing my post masters certification in Administration.  I wanted to be a principal.

     We were approaching Mother's Day when I was finally called for an interview.  The district was small, the school was the largest in the district.  The town was close to my daughter and four of my grandchildren.  I could kill two birds with one stone.  Fly out to interview and spend Mother's Day with some of my grands.  Score.  It was a win / win either way.

      I am going to begin a brand new blog as I noted previously.  I want to tell about my life's journey towards the end of my working career in a position that I was made for.  Right now I need to work on the design for that new blog, and a vision.  You will have to wait for the rest of that story.

In the mean... I will keep this blog and continue from time to time... to continue posting on travel adventures near and far.  "Further on Up....Further on In!"



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